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Afsnit 1: Almindelige regler angående assurandørens ansvar

  • § 4-1. Totaltab

    Ved totaltab kan forsikrede kræve forsikringssummen udbetalt, dog ikke udover forsikringsværdien.

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    Clause 4-1. Total loss

    This Clause is identical to Cl. 62 of the 1964 Plan. The provision establishes the traditional principle in insurance law that the assured, in the event of a total loss, is entitled to claim the sum insured, however, not in excess of the insurable value. In the event of a total loss, the insurer’...

  • § 4-2. Almindeligt formuetab og tab som følge af forsinkelse

    Medmindre andet er bestemt i denne Plan eller særskilt aftalt, svarer assurandøren ikke for almindeligt formuetab, eller for tidstab, konjunkturtab, markedstab eller lignende tab som følge af forsinkelse.

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    Clause 4-2. General financial loss and loss resulting from delay

    This Clause is identical to Cl. 63 of the1964 Plan. The question concerning the interest insured will normally be regulated under the individual type of insurance. However, it should also be addressed in the general part of the Plan for pedagogical reasons. The provision reflects the fact that th...

  • § 4-3. Omkostninger ved sikkerhedsstillelse o.l.

    Hvis forsikrede i anledning af et havari har måttet rejse penge eller stille sikkerhed, kan denne kræve rimelige udgifter i forbindelse hermed erstattet af assurandøren. Dette gælder dog ikke, hvis forsikrede uden rimelig grund har undladt at bruge sin adgang til at kræve forskud fra assurandøren efter § 5-7.

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    Clause 4-3. Costs of providing security, etc.

    Under Cl. 5-12, the insurer is not obliged to provide security for claims brought by a third party against the assured, which are covered by the insurance. However, if the assured incurs expenses in order to obtain such security, these must, according to the first sentence, be recoverable as...

  • § 4-4. Sagsomkostninger

    Når et ansvar, der omfattes af forsikringen, gøres gældende mod forsikrede, og når forsikrede gør erstatningskrav gældende mod tredjepart i anledning af tab, der omfattes af forsikringen, svarer assurandøren for påløbne omkostninger, såfremt de foranstaltninger, der er truffet, er godkendt af assurandøren eller må anses for forsvarlige.

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    Clause 4-4. Costs of litigation

    There may be doubt as to who shall bear the litigation costs in the event of a dispute between the assured and the insurer as to whether a case against a third party shall be taken to court. In such situations, several insurers with conflicting interests will normally be interested in the questio...

  • § 4-5. Omkostninger i forbindelse med krav under forsikringen

    Ved forekomsten af en ulykkelig hændelse som kan give anledning til et krav under forsikringen, skal assurandøren ligeledes betale de nødvendige omkostninger påløbet til at fastslå om noget forsikringsmæssigt tab er opstået og omfanget af tabet.

    Har forsikrede rimelig grund til at benytte egen surveyor, besigtigelsesmand, svarer assurandøren for nødvendige omkostninger til denne.

    Assurandøren skal ligeledes betale omkostningerne ved at håndtere kravet samt for at beregne erstatningen.

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    Clause 4-5. Costs in connection with a claim

    This Clause was amended in the 2019 Version. Sub-clause 1 covers all costs incurred after the casualty which are necessary in order to establish whether any recoverable loss has occurred and, if so, its extent, or which are necessary in order to secure any recourse against third parties. Thus the...

  • § 4-6. Omkostninger ved foranstaltninger, der vedrører flere interesser

    Hvis der er påløbet omkostninger som nævnt i § 4-3 til § 4-5 ved foranstaltninger, der vedrører flere interesser, svarer assurandøren kun for den del af omkostningerne, som ved en forholdsmæssig fordeling falder på den forsikrede interesse.

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    Clause 4-6. Costs in connection with measures relating to several interests

    The provision confirms the principle of apportionment when costs are incurred in connection with measures relating to several interests. The principle of pro rata apportionment is of great practical significance for litigation costs and costs in connection with the claims settlement. In a collisi...