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Afsnit 6: Tillægsdækning for krigsfare

  • § 19-28. Farefeltet

    Forsikringen omfatter krigsfare, jf. § 2-9, med undtagelse for strejke og lockout.

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    Clause 19-28. Perils insured

    The range of perils insured under the builders’ risks insurance contract has been reduced as regards war perils, cf. Cl. 19-1. The main rule is that only marine perils are covered by the insurance. Cl. 19-1 refers to Cl. 2-8, which means that the distinction between marine perils and war perils...

  • § 19-29. Forsikringsperioden

    Assurandørens ansvar begynder at løbe, når den forsikrede genstand er søsat.

    For maskineri, dele og materialer begynder ansvaret dog først at løbe, når de er kommet ombord i den søsatte forsikrede genstand.

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    Clause 19-29. Insurance period

    Sub-clause 1 states that the insurance does not attach until the subject-matter insured has been launched. While the subject-matter insured is on land it thus has no war risk cover. The limitation has to do with the fact that it is not until after the subject-matter insured has been launched that...

  • § 19-30. Hvilke bestemmelser, der ellers gælder

    Reglerne i kapitel 19 afsnit 1 til 4 finder ligeledes anvendelse på denne forsikring.

    For forsikringen gælder også § 15-5, § 15-6 og § 15-8. 

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    Clause 19-30. Other applicable provisions

    Sub-clause 1 states that the provisions in Sections 1 to 4 shall apply to the war risks insurance. The war risks insurance thus partly covers hull insurance, partly damage and costs recoverable under Section 3, and partly liability insurance for the yard under Section 4. Sub-clause 2 refers to Cl...